The Power of A Morning Routine

I just listened to an interview with Hal Elrod, author of the Miracle Morning. He has an incredible story of surviving a head on car crash from a drunk driver, having a miraculus recovery, and going on to be a very succesful writer and speaker.

One of the keys to success that he talked about was his morning routine, how it developed over time and it’s effects on his daily success. Heading into a new year, is a good time for me to get back on track on my own morning routine.

All month I have been hyper-focused on getting the RESOLUTE program ready for February. This is the replacement for our Jeans Challenge, which we wanted to make available to a broader audience and allow the participants more time to build habits then are possible in the eight week program we have done up until now.

But, in an effort to meet self-imposed deadlines I let my morning routine slide and to be perfectly honest my creativity and productivety slid as well.

Here is the acronym Hal Elrod uses to describe his morning routine which he calls his Life SAVERS.

S is for silence, meditation, or prayer.

A is for affirmation.

V is for visualization which he uses to specifically get past fear, insecurity, and self-doubt.

E is for exercise.

R is for reading.

S is for scribing or journalling.

My most productive morning routine incorporates all these elements in one way or another, but here is how I do it.

An early morning dogwalk. During the walk I spend time in silence and meditation. I also visualize the end state of whatever major project I will be working on that day. And that is usually when I arrive at some of my best inspiration. Of course it is exercise, but it is also early in the day and getting the morning sun of my face sets my circadian rythem for the day. I do not read while dog walking, but I frequently listen to a book or podcast for part of the walk.

I am not a traditional journaler, but after the morning dog walk I will usually set down a write a big portion of a writing project or a ton of notes for some other project I am working on.

So, as we head into the New Year I will be getting back into my morning routine and hope this helps you consider and develop your own morning routine.

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